The Catalyst Project
Online communities have been playing an increasingly important role in supporting grassroots initiatives in the area of social innovation and sustainability. However, as such platforms go larger and larger, it is more and more difficult for community managers to ensure efficient debates among citizens, i.e. to ensure collective ideation, decision and action.
At the end of 2013, major community networks and leading research institutes teamed up to tackle this issue with the support of the European Commission’s research funding programme. Over the 2 years of the CATALYST project they developed and test collective intelligence tools, which are now available as open source solutions, to any interested communities.
The output for this project for the IDea group were LiteMap, Debate Hub and the CIDashboard which you can find more details about in the Tools menu.
What is CATALYST all about? Meet the team and discover why we are so passionate about it.
For more information go to the Catalyst Project website.